Bloggy Got Back

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Crazy & Busy

Keagan is enjoying basketball and it is keeping him very busy. The game this week didn't go as well as he would of liked. He of course played very good. I think he is an awesome defensive player. Keagan, Jarrett and Kortnee have had a bit of the flu bug. I am hoping the rest of us don't get it. McKayla is busy getting dances ready for competitions coming up and trying to earn money for Nationals in Florida. I am so excited about going with her to Florida even though I am totally freaked out about the air plane. Dirk has been working one day a week and I think he is going crazy being on lay off. I think he is ready to get back to work even though we no it will mean he will be gone. Basically things are pretty normal here. Crazy busy is how we seem to like it!!!!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Something New

I have a few friends who blog and thought I would give it a try. Be patient with me. I may not be very good at it.